
Client case study on VitaMK7®

Case study can branded vitamin k2 succeed in CEE

In a case study, we analyzed the market situation that allowed our clients, GAL Vital from Hungary, to surpass 7 mio € in market value in the 5th year after the initial product launch with VitaMK7® from Gnosis by Lesaffre.

A new clinical study on Holixer™

holy basil (Holixer) clinical study stress sleep

Holixer™ is a nutraceutical ingredient, clinically proven to support everyday stress, acute stress, and sleep. In September 2022 Natural Remedies published a new clinical study, which investigates the effects of Holixer™ on stress, mood, and sleep in adults experiencing stress.

Market opportunities for probiotics and prebiotics

webinar on probiotic and prebiotic market opportunities in central and eastern europe by hermes consilium and gnosis by lesaffre

Hermes Consilium and Gnosis by Lesaffre are hosting a webinar to help you better understand the market opportunity of biotics in Central & Eastern Europe.

This hour session will be the time to dive into the world of probiotics and prebiotics to develop “Innovactive” products dedicated to gut and immune health.