While niche, stress & sleep supplements are growing fast. The category was the 2nd fastest-growing globally and in the CEE region from 2018-2023. This comes as no surprise, as consumers state mental well-being and sleeping problems are at the top of their concerns.
We have prepared a presentation with collected market data.

Key points:
- the global share of new products with stress & sleep functional claims grew from 3,4% in 2018 to 4,3% in 2023 (Mintel GNPD)
- the category has also been growing faster than the total dietary supplement average in the CEE region for the past 6 years (Euromonitor)
- brands are increasingly connecting their products to technology and communicating the improvement of several sleep quality parameters on their products
- 46% of Romanian consumers state their stress levels became worse during the pandemic (STADA Health Report)
- brands are increasingly launching products based on clinically studied, branded ingredients with advanced delivery systems
Find out how to address the opportunity with clinically supported ingredients by downloading our portfolio or requesting more information below.